Wednesday, February 16, 2011

death Valley

The first picture is of the oil well east of Bakersfield.  We high-tailed it out of there because they were expecting 8 inches of snow tonight.  That hasn't happened in 20 years.  We were heading east of the Sierras and didn't want to get caught in snow.  The rest of the pictures are from Death Valley.  We really didn't know what to expect.  The first time we got out of the car, we were regretting it.  The sandstorm got in your eyes, in your mouth and everywhere else.  It was almost unbearable.  We checked in at the first hotel, what a mistake, the bed was atrocious, the room was small and we both said,"Let's get outta here. We drove east, further into Death Valley and came across Stovepipe wells.  It was a small, almost tiny town, RV's to the left, hotel on the right with a cute "Saloon" and Restaurant.  What a gem in this desert!!  We liked it. We checked in and then, still fighting the blowing sand headed for bad water, that's Al, there in the picture.  The lowest spot in the U.S., 282 feet below sea level.  Bad Water is dried up salt as you see in the picture.   There was no blowing sand here.  The blowing sand was only in certain areas.  You could see it as you drove up to it, check out the picture.  The sunset over the mountains was beautiful.  The mountains here are unique, full of different colors, from brown to green, to blue and red.  I can't imagine what it feels like in the summer.  Today the high was 76.  We will go to Scotty's castle tomorrow.  Oh, the other picture shows the little bit of water that is here in the winter.
You kind of feel here, like you are transported back in time, to a place that was left behind.  It feels like the old west.  It's hard to explain, but it's surreal to stand 282 feet below sea level and look up and see so much snow on the mountains.  There's no cell phone here and you have to go to the lodge to get wi-fi.
Tomorrow, can't wait to see more of Death Valley.

Also, Al tried to burn up the brakes on the ride down the mountain into the valley.  Smoke, smoke and burning smell.  He was tailgating a truck camper towing a trailer.  Too much of a hurry and that's what happens.  Hopefully, they will be okay.

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