Sunday, February 13, 2011

Okay, Okay, Okay.  They say everyday can't be spectacular and to be honest this one wasn't.  The second picture shows the mountains reflecting off the water on the Salt Flats.  Yes, I did say, "on the Salt Flats".  Al was extremely disappointed.  That's him in the third picture and yes, that is all water behind him, no salt visible.  What wasn't water was brown mud.  There was no white salt at all.  He insisted on at least driving out to the sign to get this picture.  We actually thought we were on the wrong road at first, because it was so different.
My next comment on today's trip would be absolutely boring.  The one picture of a mountain was the only mountain that I took a picture of.  The trip was across scrub mountains, then high desert full of sage brush, then scrub mountains then high desert for a total of about 450 miles.
The first picture is of an area of about 3 acres along the side of the road where hot springs were just popping up out of the ground.  That was interesting and surprising.
Also, listening to the CB, we heard conversations between certain women and the truckers.  Let's just say that the trucker was going there for her Italian Spaghetti dinner with homemade sauce.  He did ask her what she was serving for dessert and her answer was P.  I think you can use your imagination.
Reno was such a disappointment to me.  It was not what I expected.  It was a small metropolis with casinos, but they were not beautiful.  It looked old.
Anyway, we left and headed to the sierra nevadas as they were calling for bad weather tomorrow.  Let me just say that when they tell you you will be going over the sierras, they mean it.  The picture shows us at the top with the snow beside us.  It is high, high, high.  The trees are big too.  Don't worry, Barb, I thought these trees were pretty neat.  We are now outside Sacramento and just had a wonderful mexican dinner prepared by Maria.  She can really cook.  Tomorrow napa valley, yeah.
Oh, if any one to e-mail us, please use as we are not getting our blog comments.

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